Communications With DR

Here is a timeline of communication with DR Horton

8/2/2020 Walkthrough the house, the garage was filled with furniture hiding garage floor cracks. Noted black range was used

8/3/2020 Closed on the house

8/3/2020 DR Horton Community Superintendentremoved the used black range and replaced with Stainless steel

9/2/2020 DR Horton sends First Month Survey

9/3/2020 DR Horton Community Superintendent calls and reaches out about my bad survey (See the list below). He comes over immediately and inspects my list, takes pictures, apologizes, and started making work orders

9/4/2020 Plumbing company comes out and fixes the crooked toilets

9/8/2020 Master bathroom faucet starts to leak and not turn off. Water damaged the cabinet causing bubbling on the veneer, baseboard has visible water damage. Plumbers came out the same day to repair. Cabinet work order sent to cabinet contractor

9/15 The cold water valve (Plastic) in the guest bathroom leaked, causing water to build up in the cabinet. Causing visible water damage. The Plumber comes out the same day to replace. Cabinet work order sent to cabinet contractor to come out on 9/17/2020.

I inquire to the community superintendent that the leak caused damage to my personal belongings. He stated that he will talk to the warranty department to see what they can do and get back to me. They never get back to me.

9/17/2020 Builders First (Foundation and Framing Contractor) comes out to inspect the foundation and the crooked walls. He apologizes for the shitty work. Takes pictures of my claims. He is extremely flabbergasted at the crooked walls. He states the only way to fix is A) Remove the drywall reframe, re-drywall, texture, and paint or B) Float mud up the wall to make it level then texture and paint. He grinded down the front patio in a section to help with water build-up when it rains. Stated if the water still doesn't drain they will have to repour it and grade it out to drain. He fixed the missing piece of concrete missing from the entry door footer into the garage. He inspects the bad expansion joints on the garage floor and states there is no way to fix this easily. They would have to cut out the sections repour or fill the cracks with expandable concrete caulk. He will submit work order for approval by DR Horton and will be in contact.

I never heard back and they never came back to paint the patch on the footer.

9/17/2020 Cabinet Contractor comes out to take pictures and inspect the cabinets. He recommends both cabinets be replaced, he stated DR Horton will most likely just replace the veneer aka skins to cover the water damage. This is a common occurrence in DR Horton houses he stated. He will submit the work orders for approval and the office will call me to schedule the work.

Need to verify dates but during the next 2-3 weeks. The cabinet company got the guest bathroom cabinet replacement approved but DR Horton only approved applying skins to the master cabinet with visible water damage.

On the first appointment, the Plumber and Cabinet Contractor were supposed to be here at the same time, since they won't touch each other's work. The Community Superintendent never scheduled the Plumber so they had to reschedule to come out later in the week.

The Plumber and Cabinet Contractor show up on time and remove the plumbing so they can remove the cabinet and skins. They complete the job.

No issues, other than the master bath cabinet should have been replaced not apply new skins to cover visible water damage. The Community Superintendent stated that the finish carpenters to replace the water-damaged baseboards are 3-4 months on work orders.

10/11/2020 Master bathroom faucet leaked again causing the water to flow out the cold water handle over the countertop, dripping inside the cabinet and onto the floor. Ruining over $500 dollars in personal belongings included hairdryers, hair straightener, medications, make-up, toiletries, etc.

I contact the Community Superintendent immediately he does not respond until the next day. I also called the plumbing company to report the issue.

11/15/2020 I stop by Community Superintendent when I saw him down the street. I ask when will the rest of the work orders be completed. He stated the work orders have been submitted but waiting for approval. He will contact the warranty department to check the status and someone will get back to me. No one ever got back to me.

11/16/2020 I stop by Community Superintendent again leaving the neighborhood after I also texted him asking if he or the painters can drop off a little bit of the green paint since the painters painted around the exterior fixtures instead of removing them first. He said he will have them drop off a leftover paint on the next green house they do.

They never dropped any off.

With the holidays around no movement on any issues.

12/31/2020 DR Horton Sends Mid Year Survey. I once again report that I have outstanding work orders and more issues with no response from anyone.

2/3/2020 While escalating an HOA issue and lack of warranty repairs. I research DR Horton Org Chart and find a Paul Romanski who has a President title. I CC him on an email.

2/4/2020 I get a voicemail from Jerry Customer Service Manager. He was forwarded my complaint by Paul. He states this is the first he has heard of my issues and he will get them squared away. He states a Stueart from his office will contact me shortly to schedule a time for an inspection.

Stueart comes out the same day. We go through my entire list of warranty defects, he takes pictures of each complaint.

Both Jerry and Stueart are extremely polite and understanding with my frustrations and assure me everything will be handled with care immediately. I forward all pictures, descriptions and my sales contract which states my home should have stainless steel appliances. They state they will replace my appliance with the correct ones.

Sadly, nothing got fixed working with the warranty department. So, I escalate further up the chain. See email communication below.

This was screenshotted from the first survey conducted on 9/2/2020

This is what it says when I click the 1 month and 6 month survey. So they are lying when they said it's the first time they heard of it.